January 15, 2025


General Evolution

Top Shared Hosting Risks and How to Prevent Them?

Top 5 Shared Web Hosting Security And Performance Risks – Infographic -  Hostsailor: Domains, Web Hosting & more| Explore A New World

Shared Hosting In India is very popular. It benefits website owners who like to host their websites effectively. Firstly, it provides a cost-effective hosting solution to users. 

Shared Hosting is crucial for small businesses and limited resource requirements; though it has advantages over other hosting solutions, it poses some risks.

If the risks are not eliminated, or you don’t take necessary precautions, it can affect your website’s performance and security. If your website runs on Linux Shared Hosting, it is highly secure and eliminates the high-risk factors.

Different web hosting companies in India offer Shared Hosting plans with dedicated customer support and security tools to protect your hosted website from unauthorised access.

Let’s know more.

What is Shared Hosting?

Shared Hosting is a website hosting solution that can host multiple websites using a single server. A physical server is used here, and the resources are shared between the websites. 

It is fast and reliable but has limited bandwidth and sometimes works faultily during high website traffic. However, it is a very budget-friendly hosting solution for users with a tight budget.

Now let’s discuss the risks that are associated with Shared Hosting.

The List of Risks Associated with Shared Hosting Solution

The following are the risk associated with Shared Hosting.

  1. Shared Directory

Multiple websites share the same server resources In Shared Hosting, which leads to a higher risk of hacking and unauthorised access to shared folders. 

Each website has folders within the server directory that store content and files.

  1. Slow Loading Time

Slow loading time can lead to higher downtime and performance issues for your website.  

In addition, websites on shared servers can experience slow loading times when hackers compromise a website on the shared server, uploading illegal files and folders, sending spam emails, and launching malicious attacks on other websites.

  1. Notorious Neighbours

Hackers can buy Shared Hosting plans and become your neighbours. 

They can manage spam and phishing websites and steal visitor data. Sharing your server with unreliable neighbours will threaten your website.

  1. Attack on Neighbouring Website

As the resources are shared, it can directly affect your website if hackers compromise neighbouring websites. 

Therefore, you must enable the necessary protections to mitigate these risks.

Tips to Prevent the Risks

You can follow the mentioned steps to avoid risks in your Shared Hosting.

  1. Install & Update Security Plugins

You can install a WordPress security plugin that creates a strong shield against malicious activity from hackers.

  1. Limit Access To The Files

To mitigate this risk, limiting access to your files is essential. Enable permissions on files to prevent unauthorised access. If necessary, you can change file permissions through your cPanel access.

  1. Blocking PHP execution in unknown folders

You can prevent hackers from running malicious tasks by blocking PHP execution outside a trusted directory.

  1. Malware Protection

You can install and regularly update reliable malware protection and antivirus software. Then, access your cPanel dashboard and adjust the file permission settings to ensure that only you can access your files.


You can’t eliminate the risks all the time. But having a security posture helps you battle the risks effectively every time. 

Thus, you can follow the mentioned steps to stay ahead and protect your resources from manipulation by hackers. 

Furthermore, by utilising the tips, you will be able to manage your hosting solution better, and it will be less prone to security risks.