Clubs, Concerts & Celebrations
VIRTUAL PIANO BAR, live-streamed virtual performances by many local musicians at
B.TCH MUSIC, live-streamed virtual concerts at
BILLY HOUGH, live-streamed “Scream along with Billy,” at
JON RICHARDSON WITH PETER DONNELLY, live-streamed virtual performances at
ERIC MAUL, live-streamed flute musical performances at
ROBERT WETHERBEE, live-streamed music performances at
JENNIE MCNULTY, live-streamed comedy at
JEREMY JORDAN & ASHLEY SPENCER, live-stream musical performance at 8 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 31, and 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1, in cooperation with
CHAMBER MUSIC FOR THE OUTER CAPE HOLIDAY PERFORMANCE: This pre-recorded virtual concert performance from Dec. 15 is sponsored by the Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum, Chamber Music for the Outer Cape and supporters. Available at
CAPE COD WOMEN’S MUSIC FESTIVAL: The virtual Saturday concert series held October-December is online at
MUSIC WITHOUT BORDERS: A concert series hosted by pianist John Thomas at 7 p.m. on Sundays through March 7, in cooperation with Provincetown Theater. On Jan. 31 with Bulgarian folk singer Elena Mancheva and wind instrument player Justin Torrellas, and on Feb 7 with gospel singer Mozelle. Each 29-minute concert is available for free on and on the Provincetown Theater YouTube channel, and will remain available for viewing after the initial presentation. The music spans a variety of “borderless” genres: classical, gospel, original (Thomas’ music), improvisation, Bulgarian traditional melodies and compositions based on them, music from Turkey, Japan, Mexico, Argentina.
THE FRYING PAN SESSIONS: Sarah Swain and the Oh Boys’ mini concert series, filmed at the The Frying Pan Gallery in Wellfleet. Enjoy free virtual performances the 3rd Saturday of the month, through April. The next concert is Feb. 20. See the concerts at
Art Openings & Events
6TH ANNUAL WELLFLEET ARTISTS SHOW: Submissions sought through Jan. 31 for show to open Valentine’s Day. One submission only. Sponsored by the Wellfleet Public Library. For more info, visit
MY COVID YEAR: 12 MONTHS A PANDEMIC: Twelve original monologues on the toll of the COVID-19 pandemic will be presented in a 70-minute show to air throughout February at Lower Cape TV and at the Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater website. in cooperation with Sailor Beware, a Cape Cod-based coalition of theater professionals producing new work from untapped American writers that is bold, fresh and challenging. The show was pre-recorded, and directed by Christopher Ostrom and taped on the Julie Harris Stage of the Wellfleet theater. The free show starts Feb. 5. For information, visit and
CAPE NOIR RADIO THEATER, every 2nd and 4th Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. In cooperation with Cape Cod Theatre Company and Harwich Junior Theatre. On WOMR 92.1 FM Provincetown or WFMR 91.3 Orleans. Also online at (click on podcasts in a “Listen” box on the homepage, then the name of the program).
Readings, Talks and Activities
MATT SCINTO ON “CREATIVE EXCHANGE” PODCAST: Release is Feb. 1. Hosted by Arts Foundation of Cape Cod Executive Director Julie Wake and Provincetown Community Television Executive Director Amy Davies, the podcast highlights artists and arts leaders in the region. This season explores the pandemic and its impact on the arts, social justice, and the 2020 presidential election. Episodes released every Monday through March. Available on Spotify, Apple and https:/
PROVINCETOWN DANCE FESTIVAL: The Jan. 17 virtual event is available to view through Feb. 6 at
SARAH ANNE JOHNSON ON “THE LAST SAILOR” : On Wednesday, Feb. 3 at 5 p.m., the Truro Historical Society hosts Sarah Anne Johnson for virtual talk about her latest novel, “The Last Sailor.” Johnson will discuss how the Highland House Museum in North Truro has inspired her work. Attendance to the Zoom webinar is free. Donations are welcome. To register, go to
CASTLE HILL AUTHOR TALKS: Coming on Feb. 17, a virtual book discussion series, once a month through June, hosted by author Karen Duchess. For information, visit
TRURO AIRWAVES PODCAST: At the Truro Public Library, a fledgling podcast series for a vibrant coastal community. For info, visit
WINTER WHENEVERS: Registration ongoing. Winter Whenevers offers free two six-week sessions: the first started Jan. 18 and the second on March 1. The first session offered 14 classes — from photography to multi-media storytelling to meditation to singing. The second will offer another 10 classes. All courses taught virtually via Zoom on varying days and times throughout the week. For information, visit
OPEN UNIVERSITY OF WELLFLEET: Winter course now open for registration at A nonprofit that aims to sustain and enrich intellectual life on the Outer Cape during the shoulder seasons, offering courses for a modest fee that celebrate the area’s rich history and culture and draw on the talents and expertise of our residents.
WELLFLEET FISHERMEN’S FARMERS MARKET: Noon to 2 p.m. Saturdays for pickup of pre-ordered shellfish as Wellfleet town pier at 255 Commercial St.. For info, visit
PROVINCETOWN COMMUNITY TELEVISION: Check out the daily television offerings at
20 SUMMERS, watch videos of the 2020 Season Seven at
2ND ANNUAL WELLFLEET YOUTH FILM FESTIVAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE: The submission deadline is March 15. The virtual festival takes place May 7-9, sponsored by Wellfleet Preservation Hall. The festival will be offered virtually, with a live screening to be announced next year. Youth between ages 8 and 18. For info, visit
PROVINCETOWN SENIOR CENTER (VIRUTAL) COFFEE HOUR: ongoing at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays. via Zoom platform, sponsored by the Provincetown Senior Center. All are welcome. Free. For help or info, call 508-487-7080.
TRURO COUNCIL ON AGING “TEA & TALK”: a discussion for women via Zoom virtual platform on Fridays at 11:30 a.m. Contact Denise Seager to sign up, at 508-413-9446 or email [email protected].
CRAFTY COFFEE HOUR AT PROVINCETOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY: At 10 a.m. Jan. 29. Bring your coffee and whatever crafty project you’re working on for some Zoom hangout. Email [email protected] for Zoom invite & to arrange craft kit pick-up, if needed.
BREWS CLUES, virtual pub trivia with Bob Keary and Harrison Fish on Mondays at 7 p.m. on Facebook, produced live from Provincetown Brewing Co.
WAKE UP! IN PROVINCETOWN, a weekly morning talk show at 9 a.m. Fridays, streaming live on YouTube and Facebook. Hosted by Bob Keary and Harrison Fish and produced in coordination with LIVE From Provincetown.
WINTER READING SERIES WITH LINDA OHLSON GRAHAM, At 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2, in virtual format, hosted by Provincetown Public Library. Each session will focus on “Mrs. Jack: A Biography of Isabella Stewart Gardner” by Louise Hall Tharp. Continuing every Tuesday until the book is finished. Join at any time! Free. Call 508-487-7094 to check out a copy of the book. Email [email protected] to join.
ATLANTIC WHITE SHARK CONVERVANCY SHARK SMART Q&A: Kristen Kibblehouse from the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy presents an online interactive program for all ages. The virtual Q & A session will answer all the questions you have about sharks, research, and careers in the world of sharks. Email [email protected] for the Zoom link!
TRURO LIBRARY (VIRTUAL BOOK GROUP): For February, the book group will read and discuss “The Night Watchman” by Louise Erdrich. The discussion is at 2 p.m. Feb. 24. For info, visit
WELLFLEET BAY WILDLIFE SANCTUARY: The trails are open at the sanctuary at 291 State Highway in South Wellfleet. Check for hours for restrooms and information booth. Visit
WATERS EDGE CINEMA virtual cinema at
My Rembrandt;
Identifying Features;
Deep In Vogue;
Shadow In The Cloud;
The Reason I Jump;
Rock Camp;
Shadow In The Cloud;
Love Sarah;
A Dog Called Money
Dead of Night, Feb. 3, part of Mixing Spirits and Mysteries Film Series, with co-host Marc Strauss.
The Reason I Jump, through Jan. 28, part of the Doc Days Film Series.
The Barkleys of Broadway (1949), part of the virtual Fred Astaire Film Series with Marc Strauss, at 7 p.m., Jan. 29, runs through April 2, 2021, sponsored by Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater. To purchase a ticket, visit
Sea Change Film Shorts, through Feb. 14. Free. For info,
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