The same lung condition that affects adults can affect children, however, children frequently exhibit distinct symptoms. Additionally known as paediatric asthma,
When your kid gets a cold or is exposed to allergens like pollen, their lungs and airways may quickly become irritated. Your youngster may find it difficult to do daily tasks or sleep as a result of the symptoms. An asthma episode may occasionally need a trip to the hospital.
Although there is no known treatment for childhood asthma, you should consult an asthma specialist in Manchester to manage the condition and protect your kid’s developing lungs.
Here is some information regarding asthma triggers and how to stay away from them.
Viral Diseases
An asthma flare-up is frequently brought on by a viral respiratory illness. A virus might trigger an asthma attack. The rhinovirus, which causes the common cold, is the most prevalent. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza (flu), and parainfluenza infections are other viruses associated with asthma flare-ups.
Additionally, children who experience an asthma flare brought on by one of these viruses have more difficulty controlling symptoms with standard care. This is known as treatment failure, and hospitalization, ER visits, or relapse are frequently associated with it.
Prevention: If your kid has asthma and cold-like symptoms, keep an eye out for any signs of a cough that gets worse, wheezing, or shortness of breath. Search for “asthma doctor near me” if your child has to use an albuterol rescue inhaler more frequently.
Smoking and Other Pollutants
Pollutants can aggravate lung irritation and exacerbate airway inflammation. Smoking tobacco is particularly bad for the lungs and can make asthma attacks worse. Smoke from cigarettes in the environment makes asthma symptoms worse in kids and makes them stay longer. Flares of asthma can be brought on by additional pollutants and lung irritants. Smog (ozone), scents, household cleaners, and chemicals are some of these asthma triggers.
Prevention: All tobacco smoke exposure, including second-hand and third-hand smoke, should be avoided around children who have asthma. When using cleaning chemicals, think about utilizing unscented solutions and make an effort to guarantee enough ventilation.
Allergens inside the Home
In children with allergies, asthma attacks brought on by indoor allergens are typical. These allergies include pet dander, mice, cockroaches, and dust mites. The majority of them are located in homes and schools, where they can cause asthma flare-ups all year long.
Prevention: In order to manage asthma, parents should limit their child’s exposure to allergens. Using allergy-proof coverings on mattresses and washing linens in hot water once a week to kill dust mites are two solutions. Mould and mildew development inside may be reduced with a dehumidifier.
Allergens Outside
Exacerbations of asthma can also be brought on by seasonal exposure to outdoor allergens. The most frequent outdoor allergies are pollens and mould. Grass, weeds, and trees all produce pollen.
Where you reside determines the different pollen seasons. Tree pollen is primarily discharged in the spring, followed by grass in the summer and weeds in the fall. Depending on the humidity and rainfall, mould exposure might change. Alternaria, a typical outdoor mould, can exacerbate asthma symptoms.
Prevention: As with indoor allergens, the objective is to reduce your child’s exposure to stop asthma attacks. It could be beneficial for your child to wash off the pollen after being outside if you are aware that it is a trigger. A kid who is allergic to grass, for instance, should take a wash after playing soccer on the grass. Additionally, you may lessen exposure by closing the windows during high pollen seasons.
Stress and anxiety can sometimes increase airway inflammation and trigger asthma symptoms. Children with asthma are at increased risk for asthma attacks after a difficult life event (such as during the COVID-19 pandemic or after the death of a family member).
Prevention: Don’t hesitate to talk with any of the best children’s lung asthma and sleep specialists if you are concerned about how stress and anxiety are affecting your child’s health and well-being, and ways to help build resilience.
You can better manage your child’s health by being knowledgeable about asthma and its management. With the help of their medical experts, learn all you can about asthma, including how to prevent triggers, what drugs do, and how to administer treatments. So, search for an “asthma specialist near me” to manage your kid’s asthma.
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